Monday, 14 January 2013

Love it!!!! feel it!!!!

We might as well need to hate, if the option of love seems too much a complication to bear. We may hate everybody and not care if we are hated back. What makes love so different.....???? Each time we expect to love and be loved back immediately. We anticipate that everybody else should be crazy about us like we claim to be.
Well guess love hardly works that way, but definitely hatred is not an option. This whole world loses its colours when love evaporates from the human race. Love is a beautiful thing; as beautiful as the creator through whose ingenuity love became a human element, so that filthy minds and morons like you may for once feel special. It’s that special when love sweeps you away from your feet. It feels for you like heaven and earth have swapped positions; it leaves a clot in your shadow, one that becomes like your life button. Your shadow no more becomes your personal possession. You are always found living to see her shadow in yours. Her own ways becomes the content of your thoughts..Soon you become a poet...You speak about her in lines that could have failed William Shakespeare.She may be young or old, thick or skinny, fair or dark, black or Caucasian...yet her looks still leaves that angelic spell on you. Congratulations if she feels the same way about you. You two may leave God smiling in the beauty of His own holiness..Maybe you are not sure if she feels the same way about you or sometimes you think she doesn't even look your way at all..Well, that could be a little pathetic. But that's how they are created to react to us; many of them though their emotions are the softest, yet there are many things that move them at a time. You may probably have to learn to regulate all those gears at the same time. It needs patience, sometimes the one you would never have. Some are weird; they come around when you are about giving up. Some would never show you the least of what they feel, they think it makes them weak or you never may have shown how much you want them. Some simply want your friendship; they keep asking you stay yet they never show you in certain terms what you are dying to have - their hearts, body and soul. Some simply deserve time like they are in labour, so keep pampering, keep on with the attention, but ask them to push when they need to, at least for the safety of what you both feel.. Pure love is a miracle, sometimes the best thing that can happen to you.  However, if there are other things that are simply golden and worth craving for: Genuine friendship and mutual trust.


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