Wednesday, 8 January 2014


There is nothing like an empty man; we are born brim-full with desires of our own.
There is a soul set to costume our desires on our arrival.
Charged to meet our moments script-in-hand; every one of us is a life-actor.
Our drama is plotted in lines smeared in greasy encounters.
Sometimes are actions are driven by a strange passion.
Doesn't matter what character we play;
We do have a common director:
Only God!!!

There is nothing like a man who cannot run; we are born-ready with a need for speed
There are hurdles to slow us down and elements to spell our doom.
Charged to take off baton-in-hand, every one of us is a life-athlete
With rage, oftentimes our passion boils when we are confronted by the thought of just looking on
While others may be held shoulder- high.
Then we are pushed to bring the Usain in us to life.
Then we want to prove to the naysayers what distance we can cover.
Doesn't matter what lane we are in;
We do have a common time-keeper:
Only God!!!